For security reasons, there always needs to be a designated super administrator in the system. Typically, this individual is the one who initially introduced the system into the company.
In the event that this individual leaves the company, it's imperative that you designate the next super administrator while you still have access to their account and associated emails. Failure to do so may result in the inability to assign a different super administrator retrospectively.
To change another user already invited to your hints account to a super admin, navigate to "Configuration" in your sidebar.
In the menu bar, choose "Users".
As the super admin, select the user you want to set as the next super admin.
Click on the pencil icon in the "Actions" column.
A pop-up window will open. In the "Role" field select "Super Admin" and click on the "Update" button to save your changes.
And that's it, you have set a new super admin!